Wednesday, December 5, 2012

You Cant Ignore a Dead Body

Our minds do not like to come to terms with negative things.  It is rather natural for us to try to ignore the negative, to try to look the other way.  Especially with crimes.  Each time a crime is committed it has the chance to risk our sense of security.  We don't want to believe that crimes are possible, we just want to turn away and hope we don't see any more.  But most crimes have a way of leaving evidence that cant be ignored.  In the case of a murder, there is the dead body  We do not want to face the murder, but face it we must because the dead body.  Robbery leaves behind destruction of property.  The destruction of property makes us face the fact that we feel invaded, unsafe.  Theft has a loss of property as evidence.  The community at large eventually comes to terms with the violent crime because of the evidence that cant be ignored.  But what if there is no physical evidence?  What if it can be ignored? Thus we have the problem of sex crimes.

It is mentally easier to believe the story of the victim is fabricated then it is to believe that the crime took place.  Coming to terms with the crime would leave us feeling vulnerable in some way.  So many people protect themselves mentally.  The victim is not believed, the story is considered trumped up, and society at large turns the other way.

If us victims could show  the damage, the injury, people would be in shock and horror. But we have no dead body to show, though inside we feel it.  We have no damaged property to prove to your unbelieving mind that something happened, though inside we are very damaged.  That is why society turns the other way.  Because they don't know.  Then they turn back to us victims and tell us to move on.  But they don't see the deep scars, the terrible death and carnage inside.  If they did they could not move on so easily either.  

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